Family Portrait Pricing

You do not have to purchase a package to buy a la carte prints.

$50.00 Session Fee due on the day of the session.

Printed Packages

Package A


Package B


Package C


1 - 8x10

2 - 5x7

4 - 4x6

8 - Die Cut Wallets**

1 Pose

2 - 8x10

2 - 5x7

4 - 4x6

16 - Die Cut Wallets**

2 Poses

3 - 8x10

3 - 5x7

8 - 4x6

24 - Die Cut Wallets**

3 Poses

Family Package

All for only $400.00

1 - 11x14

4 - 8x10

4 - 5x7

6 - 4x6

32 - Die cut wallets**

4 Poses

Deluxe Family

All for only $550.00

1 - 16x20

1 - 11x14

4 - 8x10

8 - 5x7

Spiral Proof Book (up to 50 proofs)

48 - Die cut wallets**

(wallets are limited to 6 Poses)

Unlimited Poses

** wallets come 8 per set please order accordingly

Prints 8x10 and larger will be printed on double weight matboard.

Digital Packages

Digital Package A


you get 2 edited hi-res

pictures with printing rights

Digital Package B


you get 4 edited hi-res

pictures with printing rights

Digital Package C


you get 6 edited hi-res

pictures with printing rights

You also can get 20% any a la carte product when you purchase at the same time as the package, it can even be a different pose
a la carte pricing
Borderless 3.5x5 $8.00 ea.
Borderless 4x6 $15.00 ea.
Borderless 5x7 $20.00 ea.
Borderless 8x10 $30.00 ea.
Borderless 11x14 $60.00 ea.
Borderless 16x20 $85.00 ea.
Borderless 20x30 $150.00 ea.
Wallets $25.00 (1-Pose)
Other pruducts that we offer and tons more on my site.
Spiral Proof Book (of 50 proofs) $60.00 ea.
5 - Picture 11x14 Collage $75.00
All Master Images (digital negatives) $500.00
Holiday Cards $32.00 (pkg 25)
5x5 Hard Cover Coffee Table Books $400.00 ea.
8x8 Hard Cover Coffee Table Book $500.00 ea.
12x12 Hard Cover Coffee Table Book $600.00 ea.

I will have your proofs posted on my website 1 to 2 weeks from your session (depending on how busy we are) you will be able to look them over and decide what prints you would like to purchase.

Proofs will be on my site for 30 days and after 1 year will be deleted completely to make room for more pictures.

I offer basic retouching at no cost. Stray hairs, blemishes, wrinkles, etc...if any, can be removed with no extra charge per your request. I say "per your request", because I may look at a mole as nothing more than a mole, you may see it as a beauty mark…I don't want to remove any beauty marks ;^) you must tell me what you want removed prior to me printing them.

Receive a free 8x10 or set of 8 wallets for every paid referral from a previous shoot or a future one. This is great way to get free prints.

Your $50.00 session fee is due the day of the shoot.

Full payment is due upon placing your order.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

All images are the property of and are copyrighted by Charlie O’s Photography. Any reproduction, paper, electronic or scanning of any photos is strictly prohibited and illegal.

It is also understood that any and all digital images remain the property of Charlie O’s Photography and they may be used for advertising, display or any purpose thought proper by Charlie O’s Photography.