
Senior Portrait Clothing Tips

What to Wear
We've put together a few suggestions on clothing to help you have a great portrait session creating truly flattering images.

First and foremost, you really want your face and expressions to stand out in your portrait. Everything else is secondary. When photographed against a medium or dark background, dark or medium toned colors photograph best for your close-up poses. And of course, darker shades are more slimming.

For shirts and tops, avoid colors that are too similar to your skin color. (These might be a brown, beige, tan, or very pale peach, and very pale gray). For many people these shades can drain the color from your face, making you appear washed-out.

Bring a variety of color, don't bring all blue outfits even if it is your favorite color. Change up the style, bring some dressy, some semi-dressy, and some casual outfits that express who you are.

When planning your outfits think about your complete look from head to toe. We will taking photos that are close-up, full length, and some in between. So you want to think about shoes and accessories too.

Casual and Stylish

You can choose your favorite sundress, slouchy sweaters, shorts or jeans outfit. Pick the colors you really like. Chances are, they're colors others say look really good on you, too. Textures are great, as are interesting hats, belts, jackets and scarves.

You can choose your jeans, casual or sports wear, letterman jacket. You may want to bring your sports uniform and equipment. Bring an outfit that blends with the colors of the outdoors. If you are the outdoor sports kind of person, let's create something special with your gear. Wear blue jeans or khaki pants unless you want a dressier look.

Dressier Looks

Wear a neckline that is flattering to your face and neck: Round faces, square jaw lines, or shorter necks look best in a v-neck as opposed to a round or crew neck. Thin faces, pointy chins, and very long necks look better in a boatneck, crew neck, or round neckline.

Avoid tops with large, contrasty, distracting patterns. Solid colors are much better. Unless your arms are super-skinny, avoid short sleeves because they make arms look heavier and shorter. If you feel your arms are heavy, sleeveless looks are great but avoid "spaghetti" straps. They too can draw attention away from the face.

A sport coat and pants work great. An alternative look would be a dress shirt and a sweater that is a solid color or has a slight pattern. If you want to wear only a dress shirt and tie, wear a colored shirt. White shirts look best under a jacket.

Additional Tips

Be sure to include one outfit mom will like-- we can still do plenty of stuff you like.

Be sure to iron any of your clothing that is wrinkled prior to you portrait session.

If you choose clothing with large words on it – please bring an alternate piece because somethimes text on clothing may not photograph well.

Apply makeup normally. It's tempting to get very "glam" when having pictures taken, but this could very well make you look like a stranger in your senior portrait.

Apply your makeup as you normally look on a day-to-day basis, but bring your makeup with you.

Avoid glitter or sparkly anything (powder, eye shadow, blush) – it tends to reflect the flash and leaves white spots. Also avoid too much lip gloss. It can also leave white spots from the flash or make you look like you're drooling.

Go with practiced hair styles.
Getting senior portraits done is not the time to leave your hair uncombed for that "natural" look. Also, avoid experimental hairstyles. In general, friends and family prefer to remember you as you looked most of your senior year, not just during the period when you had your pictures taken.

Get a haircut at least a week in advance to give your hair a chance to adjust and look natural. Girls having their hair styled for a formal picture can, of course, wait until the photo session day to get their hair done, but they should practice with their hair stylist beforehand so there are no surprises on picture day.

Guys need a fresh shave.
A fresh shave for guys is recommended, and moustaches or beards should be neatly trimmed.

Don't worry about braces.
Your braces are a part of the high-school "you" and shouldn't be avoided or hidden. However, if they really bother you, or you only wore them a short time we can digitally "erase" them for a fee.

Stay away from tans.
Don't overdo the tanned look. For one thing, it looks unnatural. For another, your pictures could reveal peeling skin or a cherry-red nose.


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